DIY Scratch Art Painting

DIY Scratch Art Painting

Do you remember the excitement you’d feel when you had a sub in elementary school? They always did things a little differently, and perhaps you’d get a chance to do something really unique and different.

Once, I had a sub who loved to do art projects. She taught us how to make scratch paintings. I loved it from the first time I did it, and when I showed my own kids how to make them, they loved it too.

How Pretend Play Helps Children Learn Social Skills

How Pretend Play Helps Children Learn Social Skills

“Mommy, you be a cop and we’ll be the robbers! We’re running away and taking your money!”

Lately, my kids have been playing cops and robbers. They’re always looking for new items to “steal”, and then they run to their robber’s fort (aka under our dining room table). My husband and I are the cops. We look for clues to track the robbers, and then we usually have a little exchange ---

3 fun ways to teach kids how tone of voice impacts meaning

3 fun ways to teach kids how tone of voice impacts meaning

How do you communicate with other people during one day? Do you talk face to face with them? Do you text them? Facetime them? Email them?

Humor me. Take a minute and check how many text messages and emails you received in the last 24 hours. I’ll wait.

4 Reasons to Cook with Your Kids

4 Reasons to Cook with Your Kids

When my son was little, he loved making granola bars. I have vivid memories of adding ingredients to the bowl, and allowing him to stir. The ingredients would fly EVERYWHERE, on the table, on the chairs and the floor. Even though it would always be super messy, I wanted to make sure that I cooked with them.

4 Simple Ways to Practice Taking Turns

4 Simple Ways to Practice Taking Turns

Children (and people in general) have to take turns all the time. Children take turns when they play games like checkers or four square, while they participate in a class discussion, or during a conversation. Adults have to wait and take turns too - in meetings, in stores and when driving. Taking turns, and in particular, waiting for the time when it’s your turn, can be frustrating. It’s good to practice turn taking, because it happens all the time.

Book Review - Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul

Book Review - Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul

I’ve been wanting to read this book since I watched Dr. Brown’s TED talk all about play. As someone who is a huge advocate for play, reading this book was thrilling. There are so many great quotes and wonderful information about the importance of play and it’s impact on our social lives. Here are a few of my favorite highlights from the book.

Q's Race to the Top

Q's Race to the Top

This is one of my new favorite social skills games! Why? Because not only do I enjoy playing, children really enjoy playing. I found this game at the Chicago Toy and Game Fair. As soon as I saw it, I wanted to play with my clients to see how they reacted. And it was a resounding positive response.

Social Skills Activities to Help Kids See How Their Behavior Impacts Others

Social Skills Activities to Help Kids See How Their Behavior Impacts Others

As your daughter gets off the bus, you notice her flushed face and her eyes are filled with tears. You ask what’s wrong, and the words come flooding out. “Julia said she won’t play with me at recess anymore. I don’t understand why she’s mad. I was just telling her the right way to play!”

Social Stages of Play

Social Stages of Play

Do you know how my 5th grade teacher taught us the planets? She sang it to us. When her former students would come back and visit, she would always ask if they remembered the order of the planets. And they’d all end up singing it back to her. Imagine these big high school juniors and seniors singing in the middle of a 5th grade class?!

How to set up a playful home

How to set up a playful home

From the other room, you hear “MooOOOm, I can’t find anything to play with!!” Then you walk into a playroom filled with toys and a 7 year old who has their cranky pants on.

How many times have you experienced something similar? Your children have all these toys and they just don’t play with anything. It’s mind boggling, really. Let’s break it down and try to make it a little easier.

Imperfect Family Fun means Perfect Teachable Moments

Imperfect Family Fun means Perfect Teachable Moments

It’s a rainy fall afternoon. The children have a day off, and they’ve been busy creating, playing and arguing all morning. It’s the perfect day to put on a movie, get some popcorn (and warm coffee for the adults) and snuggle in bed.

“I want to watch this!”  says my daughter, pointing to one of the titles displayed on the screen.

Why Lunch Groups Matter

Why Lunch Groups Matter

The bell rings for lunch time. Five 9 year olds bound into my office, smiles on their faces and giving me cheerful greetings as they come through the door. They pick a seat, place their lunches on the table, then immediately ask about the question box. They can’t wait to see what the questions are this week. One little girl reaches over, picks a question out of the box and reads it to the group. “If you could have any superhero power, what would it be and why?” The rest of them jump right in and start answering immediately.

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