games for playdates

Part Three - Games & Activities to Work on Perspective Taking

Part Three - Games & Activities to Work on Perspective Taking

What is perspective taking? It’s the ability to take another person’s point of view. This is a building block towards empathy. There are lots of different teachable moments that can happen in day to day life where you can talk about different perspectives people have on the same situation. There are also several games and activities you can play with children and teens to help them practice the art of walking in someone else’s shoes.

Part One - Games & Activities to Work on Perspective Taking

Part One - Games & Activities to Work on Perspective Taking

What is perspective taking? It’s the ability to take another person’s point of view. This is a building block towards empathy. There are lots of different teachable moments that can happen in day to day life where you can talk about different perspectives people have on the same situation. There are also several games and activities you can play with children and teens to help them practice the art of walking in someone else’s shoes.

8 Tips for a Successful Playdate

8 Tips for a Successful Playdate

Playdates for kids who struggle socially, when done thoughtfully, offer an opportunity for kids to practice social skills and have a positive interaction with another child.

5 more games for play dates

5 more games for play dates

It’s that time of year when people start thinking about gifts to buy. I really love the idea of getting and giving games, especially those that can be played on a playdate with just two kids. Last year, I wrote a post where I listed five games that would be ideal to play on a small playdate, which is perfect for kids who are working on their social skills. Here are 5 MORE games that would be great to have on hand for a small playdate. They’re also great games for families too. You can practice and play together and have fun!

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